John Singleton, who made his directorial debut with the acclaimed film Boyz n the Hood about young men struggling in a gang-ridden Los Angeles neighborhood, died on Monday at the age of 51, his family said, days after he suffered a stroke.
“We are sad to relay that John Singleton has died,” the family said in a statement. “John passed away peacefully, surrounded by his family and friends.”
Earlier on Monday, the family said it had made the “agonising decision” to withdraw life support from Singleton, who was being cared for at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles since having a stroke on 17 April.
Singleton was a native of South Central Los Angeles, the community that was the setting for Boyz n the Hood, a drama about friendship amid the peril of gang violence.
He became the first African-American and the youngest person to be nominated for an Academy award for best director, at age 24, for the movie, which he also wrote.
Singleton later directed films such as action film 2 Fast 2 Furious and historical drama Rosewood. He also directed episodes of TV shows including Empire and Billions.