’93 million Nigerians now living in extreme poverty’

Over 93 million Nigerians are living in extreme poverty, according to data obtained at the World Poverty Clock, a Vienna, Austria-based data lab

According to the data by World Poverty Clock, created by Vienna-based World Data Lab, 93.641 million Nigerians were living below a dollar a day as of May, 25 2019.

The Nation understands that the target escape rate is 15.3%, while the current escape rate is at -4.3.

A report released in February 2019 revealed that at least three million Nigerians have slipped into extreme poverty between November 2018 and February 2019.

Recall that in June 2018, the Brookings Institution projected that Nigeria had overtaken India, as the poverty capital of the world, with 86.9 million extremely poor people.

This was further confirmed by the British Prime Minister Theresa May, who said Nigeria had become home to the largest number of very poor people in the world, putting the figures at 87 million.

“Much of Nigeria is thriving, with many individuals enjoying the fruits of a resurgent economy, yet 87 million Nigerians live below $1 and 90 cents a day, making it home to more very poor people than any other nation in the world,” the UK prime minister had said.

Since May made this observation in South Africa in August, the number of Nigerians living in extreme poverty has grown to 93.641 million, with six people falling into poverty every minute, according to Brookings Institution.


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