12 amazing health benefits of mango fruit

Mango fruit is one of the most popular nutritional fruits grown in the tropics. It has a unique fragrance and taste; it is a seasonal fruit belonging to the genus Mangifera and the family Anacardiaceae.

The mango fruit comes in various shapes and sizes depending on the cultivar, the mesocarp is juicy with the colour ranging from yellow to orange.
It has numerous soft fibrils radiating from the flat kidney shaped seed. This fruit has many health benefits attached to it, eating it more regularly would make you healthy. Mango is regarded as the king of all fruits because of the numerous health benefits they have.
In order for you to understand how important this fruit is, a breakdown of the nutritional fact is necessary. A cup of mangoes which is about 225 grams contains one hundred and five calories, twenty-five percent of vitamin A, seventy six percent of vitamin C, nine percent of copper, seven percent of potassium and nine percent of healthy probiotic fibre.
Find below some of the reasons why you should eat mango fruit regularly:
1. Helps fight cancer
Mangoes contain antioxidants like quercetin, astragalin, gallic acid, isoquercitrin, and methylgallat. These, in turn, protects the body against breast, colon, leukemia and prostate cancers.
2. Helps in cleansing the skin Mangoes help in opening the pores on the body thereby adding freshness to the face. Keeping a thin slice of mango on the face for fifteen minutes will help unclog the pores and prevent you from having acne. Mashed mangoes could be made into a paste along with honey and milk which could be used as a scrub to make the skin smoother and softer.
3. Helps control cholesterol Mango contains an appreciable amount of vitamin C, fibres, and pectin which helps to lower the level of cholesterol in the body. This fruit also contains potassium which helps to control heart rate and blood pressure.
4. It enhances good vision Mango fruit contains vitamin A which is an important vitamin necessary for good vision. This means that consuming more mangoes would improve your eyesight by fighting dryness and preventing night blindness.
5. It aids digestion Mangoes contain certain enzymes that help in breaking down protein. The fruit contains fibre which aids digestion; it also contains vitamins and minerals.
6. It acts an aphrodisiac Mango fruit is often referred to as love fruit because of its aphrodisiac properties. This fruit increases the virility in men and could be taken to enhance libido. It also helps to regulate sex hormones.
7. It promotes memory retention Eating mangoes regularly would boost concentration and memory retention. For students studying and preparing for exams, this fruit is rich in glutamine acid and would assist them in concentrating.
8. It reduces the risk of having kidney stone This fruit is considered important in Chinese medicine as it is considered to be good and effective in the reducing one’s chances of having kidney stone disease.
9. It contains high iron for women Mango fruit contains iron which is required in anemic patients. Pregnant women and women who have reached menopause can feast on this fruit as it would supply them with bouts of irons and calcium.
10. It assists in weight loss Those who are interested in weight control would find this fruit beneficial. Not only does it contain lots of vitamins and nutrients, it also improves the digestive function of the body system by burning additional calories. Eating this makes one feel fuller and it assists in weight loss.
11. Helps in regulating diabetes Mango leaves help in regulating the insulin levels in the body. The leaves can be boiled, soaked over a period of time and sieved; the filtrate can be taken by diabetic patients in order to regulate the insulin levels.
12. Improves the immune system Eating more mango could boost your immune system as it contains good amounts of vitamins and carotenoids that aid the immune system. A cup of mango juice would also help in preventing heat stroke.

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